Dr. Plot Twist
If the client chooses to cancel the agreement, they must do so in writing with an explanation that is sent to sonya@drplottwist.com and acknowledged by DPT in writing. This must be done at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the term. The downpayment is non-refundable, and no refunds will be issued on prior payments. Furthermore, client will lose eligibility for future discounts within a 24-month period. As these times have been blocked off for the WRITER, the following scheduling fees will be applied: 75€ per book per round cancelled by ending this agreement, and a scheduling fee of 10€- 15€ will be charged per cancelled item or service.
If the client chooses to abandon the agreement, meaning the client wants to cease editing once the project has commenced, they must do so in writing, via email to sonya@drplottwist.com. DPT will acknowledge the request and calculate the balance. No refunds will be issued on the downpayment and/or any prior payments made until the time of abandonment. Furthermore, depending on which stage of the editing process, other payments may be necessary to complete the work performed. The calculation will mean the reversal of any discount applied to the project and the total amount of the package may suffer an increase. In more specific terms, the client is subject to current prices at the time of abandonment. In addition, any frequent client or package discount will be lost for a 48-month period. As these times have been blocked off for the WRITER, the following scheduling fees will be applied: 75€ per book per round cancelled by ending this agreement, and a scheduling fee of 10€- 15€ will be charged per cancelled item or service.
If the client chooses to pause the agreement, meaning the client wants to pause editing once the project has commenced, they must do so in writing, via email to sonya@drplottwist.com. A pause in an agreement is defined as a temporary pause where the TERM and TIMELINE suffers alterations. No refunds will be issued on prior payments. Payment plans ( late Payment fees still apply) must continue as described in this agreement, or adjusted to continue payment until paid in full. A Credit Balance will be issued on any item(s) that has/have not been delivered. A flat rescheduling fee of 35€ will be charged for items still pending and will require the immediate payment of such, or it will be deducted from the balance or credit. After this, a “PENDING STATUS” is given to this agreement.
If the balance of this agreement has been paid in its totality, and there is no payment due, then the client is immediately eligible for PENDING STATUS if all other requirements are met. If the client ceases payment, any and all discounts applied will be revoked from this agreement and the total due or available credit will reflect current list prices found on the website. Furthermore, client loses eligibility for future discounts indefinitely.
PENDING STATUS will be given for four (4) months. Within this timeframe, the ITEMS and Editorial Tasks need to be rescheduled and a new timeline achieved. If more than four (4) months pass from the term of the agreement, the WRITER/EDITOR can rollover the credit for another two (2) months.Rolling over the pending status means there a total of 6 months from the TERM end date. The cost of rollover is 15€ which will be deducted from the credit, added to balance, or invoiced.
This pause or “PENDING STATUS” is only applicable for 6 months. Any time longer than this and the EDITOR is not obligated to complete the ITEMS or EDITORIAL TASKS nor issue refunds. The EDITOR may opt for one or more of the following as she sees fit:
If DPT terminates the agreement with just cause (which may include malicious behavior and/or violation of the agreement), a Letter of Termination will be sent out, unless Pending Status, stating the reasons for the client’s release. No refunds will be issued. The EDITOR may opt out of finishing the work at any stage if this situation arises.
In both situations 2 and 3, the loss of discounts is applicable. Meaning if the credit is 550€ and that was at a discounted rate of 0.0055€ for 100k, then when using the credit, the non-discounted price listed on the website will be applicable and thus may reflect a lower wordcount. Furthermore, the client is not eligible for any discounts or promotions being run, unless otherwise specified by DPT via email.